Tuesday, June 5, 2012


SQL Server Indexes

Clustered Index
Non-Clustered Index
Composite Index
Unique Index  (Automatically gets created when you create primary key or unique constraint)
Covering Index

asp.net mobile

some random notes about mobile development from asp.net videos of scott hansleman

  1. Add a view port meta tag       <meta name ="viewport" content = "width=device-width">
  2. Fix it on the client
    • custom css
    • media css
    • adapative rendering
  3. Changing unordered list to dropdown as width is reduced .. use opt group of html 
  4. Dynamically change based on screen size  mediaqueri.es
  5. Fix it on the Client
    1. Pros 
      1. optimized for the current size
      2. less duplication of efforts
    2. Cons
      1. doesn't consider the differences between mobile and desktop
      2. inefficient bandwidth usage
  6. Fix it on the server
    1. custom mobile views using display modes
    2. jquery mobile (comes with asp.net mvc 4)
    3. Make new page with new scripts and css for the mobile page
    4. Mobile Master Page
    5. Mobile Child page
    6. data-role = "content".. tell html5 elements and jquery mobile takes care of the look it has to appear
    7. data-theme .. can be downloaded from jquery mobile ..
    8. jquery.mobile.mvc .. nuget package .. 
    9. view switcher .. (mobile version to desktop version & vice versa)
    10. Ctrl + , to find code or navigate in visual studio ..
    11. jquery mobile can do data filtering .. 
    • Pros
      • maximum flexibility
      • less duplication of efforts
    • Cons
      • can be repetitive
      • device detection can be hard
  7. Jquery Metro Mobile Theme
  8. 51degrees.mobi (nuget packaage available)
  9. Web Sites vs Web Applications
    1. Offline Capability
    2. knockout.js for data binding
    3. static resources for caching .. as cache manifest